Sonja Andrist

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Sonja is responsible for all company related operational tasks such as Contract, Finance, Budgeting, Audit and Hiring. She engages with the CEO on a daily basis and she further represents the CEO office internally and externally in the absence of the CEO and is the point of contact for most stakeholders. Sonja is also the Lead for Special Projects within the company.

Sonja studied business administration and has done various further educations in project management, drug development or the American Health System and holds a CAS in E-commerce and online marketing.

In her previous career, she used to work for 8 years for Hoffmann-La Roche as a Global Project Manager involved in the development of various drugs. In the last 8 years Sonja has run her own company Lemon Group GmbH which she founded in 2014.

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Sonja Andrist

Lead Operations