09:05 am, March 20
Prof. Dominik Zumbühl, University of Basel - Building Spin-Orbit Qubits with Holes in Si and Ge
Prof. James Wootton, IBM - Title Coming Up Soon
Prof. Seigo Tarucha, The University of Tokyo - Challenges in silicon quantum computing:high-fidelity quantum operations and error correction.
Prof. Masahiro Kitagawa, Osaka University - Title Coming Up Soon
Dominik Zumbühl
NCCR SPIN, Switzerland
Professor of Physics, University of Basel, Director, NCCR SPIN, and co-founder Basel Precision Instruments GmbH
Seigo Tarucha
The University of Tokyo, Japan
Masahiro Kitagawa
Osaka University, Japan
Dr. Masahiro Kitagawa, Director, Center for Quantum Information and Quantum Biology, Osaka University