James Wottoon

Dr. James Wootton received his PhD from the University of Leeds in 2010, for work on topologically ordered systems and their use for quantum computing. He then worked on topological quantum error correcting codes at the University of Basel until 2018, when he joined the Quantum Technologies group at IBM Research – Zurich.

In 2016 he created a citizen science project aimed at helping the public get involved in quantum error correction research, and also started to use the quantum computers that IBM had just put on the cloud. This led to him joining IBM Research - Zurich in 2018.

At IBM he continues working on quantum error correction, with a focus on using it as the basis for benchmarks of near-term hardware. He also looks into how quantum computers might be useful for the task of procedural generation, and is a major contributor to the Qiskit textbook.

Portrait of James Wootton


James Wootton

IBM, Zurich, Switzerland

Research Area

Quantum error correction and Qiskit developer.