Rajiv Krishnakumar

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Rajiv Krishnakumar works as a Quantum Algorithms Researcher at QuantumBasel. His main interests are in
understanding how quantum computers can improve simulation, optimization, and machine learning algorithms for a variety of industry use-cases. Before joining QuantumBasel, Rajiv was part of a financial institution where he first worked on building machine learning algorithms for market making, followed by taking up a research position in the R&D team where he focused on applying quantum algorithms to financial use-cases. Prior to that, he briefly took up a postdoctoral fellowship during which time he was interested in understanding how quantum computers could improve supervised learning algorithms.

Rajiv was originally trained as an experimental atomic physicist in the field of quantum sensors. In particular, he was part of a team working on producing highly entangled states to enhance the accuracy of atomic clocks and atom interferometers.

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Rajiv Krishnakumar

Quantum Algorithms Researcher