Tommaso Calarco

Prof. Tommaso Calarco is considered one of the leading quantum physicists today. At least as important is his role as an instigator and as someone who brings others together. He is one of the founding fathers of the European Quantum Manifesto, which led to the billion-euro EU Quantum Flagship programme. Within the programme, he leads the Quantum Community Network, which brings together theorists and experimental groups as well as science and industry. He was also instrumental in founding “EIN Quantum NRW”, the quantum computing network for science and industry in North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW).

In his research, he is looking for ways to selectively influence the fundamental quantum processes. His goal is to reduce error rates and thus improve the computational accuracy of quantum computers – for all qubit types. He considers questions such as: What is the upper limit beyond which quantum transport processes cannot be accelerated any further? How can qubits be optimally controlled and monitored? His working group not only focuses on quantum computers, but also on topics such as quantum sensors.


Tommaso Calarco

Institute for Quantum Control Jülich, Germany

Research Area

combining techniques from quantum control with applications